M.I.D.A. Update Nov. 4th, 2020

The first of many posts to come...

The journey in the development of MIDA has a long road ahead, but as of Nov. 4th, 2020 I have refurbished a smart TV to be the core component of the smart mirror.

I acquired the free TV from Letgo after someone was giving it away for it not turning on. After noticing a red blinking pilot light on the IR sensor of the TV with no color or light visible on the screen, I began investigating whether the problem was the Main Board (MB) or the Power Supply Unit Board (PSUB).

After the initial teardown of all the TV's components, I did not find any blemishes or burn marks on any of the boards or cables.

With my voltmeter, I began testing pins on the PSUB and found that a short was present within the LED circuit.

Upon examining each LED strip, I found that only a single LED bulb within all the strips was burnt out. This caused total circuit failure within the LEDs since the bulbs were all wired in series to one another.

I attempted to just replace the single LED diode on board itself, however, I did not have the correct tool (hotplate) to de-solder the diode from the metal strip (My soldering iron was not strong enough to heat the base of the strip). I then searched the serial number for the strip and purchased a replacement on Amazon for $13.

After attaching and securing the new strip to the metal frame, I rewired the circuit to the PSUB and turned it on for testing...

As I suspected, the TV turned back on perfectly! Full color, LED backlights working at full capacity, and sound working properly! A $500 TV fixed for $13 and some close investigation.

If you would like any tips on fixing a TV yourself, please contact me and I would be more than happy to give you guidance!

Currently, I have acquired the TV, the cables, the dongle adapter, and V2 of the software. Still to come is the touchscreen implementation, the purchase of the glass, and the creation of the frame.

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